Essays on The Kite Runner

Essay Introduction

It is inevitable that a child has to make tough decisions at least once throughout their childhood. However, it is not expected of them to make the right decisions. Our experiences shape who we are and what we become. In Hosseini’s book. In The Kite Runner, Amir And Hassan experience tribulations and terrors that cause them to lose their innocence, let alone the right to be a kid with no worries. Coming across complex situations a child should never be bombarded with, turning them into unfashionable thinkers.

The Kite Runner Essay: Dealing with Emotional Pain

In other words, children with this way of perspective assert themselves to decide on solutions out of selfish impulses – rather than what is correct. This reinforces the claim that kids are going to come across as making tenacious decisions, yet, it is up to them to depict what is right and what is wrong. And if it comes to choosing the wrong one, they may and will regret it for as long as they shall live. Hosseini succeeds in striking the right balance between tragic emotion and optimism. Hosseini’s imagery also is powerful and layered with meaning. For example, Sohrab hitting Assef with slingshot fire is a befitting image that shows the triumph of the weak and lowly over the high and mighty—a modern David and Goliath tale. The tragic irony is a vehicle for revelation, and it also serves as a rhetorical strategy to validate the narrator’s claim: “I’ve learned . . . [how] the past claws its way out.” Likewise, tragic irony becomes a rhetorical strategy for comparing and contrasting characters’ behaviors as they manipulate knowledge and claim ignorance in their relationships.

Research Paper on “The Kite Runner”

For reference, The Kite Runner is a powerful story about two boys whose friendship is threatened by deception and betrayal yet withstands the pressures of cultural barriers and legal boundaries. Their childhood memories of happy days outlast their tragic separation, and the steadfast loyalty of Hassan defines the theme of this novel as one of true friendship.

Argumentative Essay Examples on “The Kite Runner”

As society goes on, people are struggling with making choices, experiencing emotional pain, and how to handle that hurt within them, let alone comprehending cruelty. For instance, in the riveting novel The Kite Runner, Hassan goes through a horrible situation that a kid, or even an adult, should never experience. Throughout the book, he is bullied for his appearance, ethnicity, and social role. Hassan gets beaten Due to his loyalty towards others and the place where he comes from and calls home.

The Resilience of Friendship

Being that he is only about 10 years of age, he does not know how to alleviate the emotional and physical pain he has gone through and now has to live with. Instead, he ignores the pain and attempts to act like nothing ever happened. In the kite runner, it reads, “Hassan dragged a sleeve across his face, wiped snot and tears. I waited for him to say something, but we just stood there in silence; in the feeding light […], he began to say something, and his voice cracked. He closed his mouth, opened it, and closed it again. Took a step back. Wiped his face. And that was as close as Hassan, and I ever came to discussing what had happened in the alley.“ (Hosseini, 78)

This transformation, as Hassan’s innocence is lost, propels the reader to be aware of what he is going through through the use of imagery. This prepares the reader by implementing that this actually occurs in real life. Furthermore, besides the use of imagery, Hosseini Uses symbolism, sounds, and the rest of the five senses. For example, the novel reads, “Within a minute, my kite was rock getting to the sky. It made a sound like a paper bird flapping its wings.” (Hosseini, 62) This demonstrates the sense of sound the reader is attempting to imagine in their mind.

Thesis Statement for “The Kite Runner”

Throughout the whole book, The Kite Runner, the reader is able to see both positive and negative aspects of religion. In the narrative, the negative part of religion is expressed mostly through the fundamentalists that use religious beliefs as a mechanism or rather a tactic to exert violence onto other people in society and to spread their control over other people’s freedom (Hosseini, 2003). The reader can also comprehend what is occurring in regard to religion from Baba – which is Amir’s father. Baba is a well-respected, wealthy individual who is an excellent businessman.

What is intriguing about him is that he is a person who always thinks freely and thus strives to do what is right and to think for himself. What is more, Baba is not one to support the fundamentalism in the Islam religion. However, he does have his own principles that he pursues to follow throughout his life and undertakes to raise Amir according to them. One of the first important episodes in the novel concerning religion in the lives of Amir and Baba is a conflict when Ali comes home from school and tells his father that he learned from his teacher that drinking alcohol is, in fact, a sin. As a response, in order to teach Amir a lesson, his father pours himself a glass of whiskey (Hosseini, 2003).


To summarize The Kite Runner in a more broad perspective, The Kite Runner is a story about an Afghan boy, Amir, who demonstrates many hardships throughout his life as he grows from a boy living in a world full of war, Afghanistan, to a successful, thriving writer that lives in America. Amir experiences many events that cause him to carry a great amount of guilt throughout his life.

So much guilt that it even turned him into an insomniac. He needed to find a way to assert his inner wars and make amends which would allow him to forgive himself and, hopefully, one day, be able to sleep soundly again. Guilt was a main theme that occurred over and over again throughout the story. Amir can trace his feelings of guilt back to the moment he was born, since his mother died during childbirth, and Amir thinks his father blamed him. Amir often felt he let his father down. He said, “ I will never forget Baba’s valiant efforts to conceal a disgusted look on his face.” (21)

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